Andhra Pradesh: Jurisdiction question grips properties issue

The deviations from the bye laws also are not in the notice of the VMC.

Update: 2017-07-22 02:57 GMT
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation

Vijayawada: The non-submission of income and expenditure particulars about two major properties built in the VMC space to the Municipal Corporation authorities, for the last several years, prompted the VMC to probe the entire episode. The managements of the properties, Fun Time Club and Community hall, located in Bank Colony worth crores of rupees, have not been submitting particulars for the last few years.

While the Revenue and Estate departments are pleading innocence over the same subject, VMC examiner stated that he has submitted a report over the same to the VMC Commissioner. As per the bye laws, written at the time of the agreement, the planning department has been entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of rest of the things. The deviations from the bye laws also are not in the notice of the VMC.

Asked about  these two properties, the Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) G. Subba Rao said that the issue pertains to the Estate department. The  Estate officer Krishna Murthy said that the issue is to be addressed by  VMC Examiner (Accounts) E. Ashok Maurya, as these two properties do not attract the ambit of Estate sections in their bye laws. No revenue and maintenance issues were mentioned.

When contacted, VMC Examiner E. Ashok Maurya said as per bye laws, management of these two properties need not pay anything to the Corporation. However, locals from the two areas have been asking how the VMC allowed these two institutions to go for commercial activities.  “They are getting revenues in the forms of rents, and membership drive,” said Kakani Sarveswara Rao of 9th division of VMC. When the Fun Time Club was given away, the site by VMC, bye laws were written. As per bye laws, the club is to be confined to the activities mentioned, and locals have to be members of the club.

The VMC Commissioner will be the Chairman for the club, according to the bye laws. Interestingly, without the knowledge of the Commissioner,  a part of the club was given away to a TD leader’s relative, on lease. The Mayor didn’t object the lease despite knowing facts.

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