Will wage 'jihad' to 'free' Pak rivers from India: Hafiz Saeed

Saeed also claimed that freedom movement' of the Kashmir is gaining momentum day by day'.

Update: 2016-06-25 12:41 GMT
European Parliament's Vice-President Ryszard Czarneck has said that the recent Ramzan terror attacks in Saudi Arabia have signalled the arrival of the Lashkar-e-Taiba's \"humanitarian\" NGO FIF. (Photo: AP)

Lahore: JuD chief and Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed has said he will wage a "war" against India to get Pakistani rivers "freed".

"We are going to wage jihad (war) against India to get our rivers freed," Saeed said while addressing a gathering of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) workers in Sialokot district of Punjab Province on Friday.

Saeed, on whose head the US has put a bounty of USD 10 million, claimed "freedom movement" of the Kashmiris is "gaining momentum day by day". Saeed said Dukhtraan-e-Milat's head Asiya Andrabi told him that situation in Kashmir has "changed" now.

"Asiya Bibi told me by telephone that those who were talking about independent Kashmir are no more on the scene while young leadership has come forward and it will give a fresh impetus to the freedom campaign," Saeed, who founded the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, said.

Saeed said Pakistan should take serious notice of the United States' warnings which have raised the curtain from its "evil designs" against it.

"Time is ripe now for Pakistan to change its foreign policy with the US, Iran and India," he said. Saeed also vowed to foil every conspiracy aimed at damaging the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.

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