Thomas Isaac admits Sabari impact
However it is a temporary setback and the results will be examined in detail in different communities.
Thiruvananthapuram: Finance Minister Thomas Isaac on Saturday admitted an erosion of sizeable number of traditional LDF votes. Mr Isaac said Sabarimala too had an impact on party fellow travellers. UDF and BJP succeeded in misguiding them. The stand taken by LDF Government on Sabari-mala had foiled BJPs well-planned move to communalise Sabari-mala issue, he added. However, the Congress benefited, with even mi-norities rallying behind it. But this will pass.
The finance minister said though the bold steps taken by the Government on Sabarimala issue had found big support among the secular democratic minded people, but that didn’t get translated into votes. That is because of the influence of national politics. There was a feeling among a section of voters that Congress could become an alternative to the BJP at the Centre. And this influenced minorities to a great extent.
However it is a temporary setback and the results will be examined in detail in different communities. He denied that a major section of voters from the majority community moved away from LDF due to Sabarimala issue. In that case the BJP should have got more votes in the polls.