Wonders of TCE: Benefits of tender care from nature

A talked about health tonic that is doing the rounds is entirely natural, chemical free.

Update: 2019-03-27 21:12 GMT

Chennai: People may still be arguing over where the coconut originally came from - maybe from the Pacific region - but most agree on one thing and that is about the value of the contents and extracts of the coconut as a super food. A talked about health tonic that is doing the rounds is entirely natural, chemical free.

The non-hydrogenised extract of the tender coconut (TCE) loses none of its value in processing and is set to become the super health food of modern times.

The advocates of “eat healthy, live healthy” have for long been recommending the consumption of coconut extract as a super food in its most natural form.  Users of the extract as a health tonic vouch for the higher energy levels it stimulates and the stronger metabolism it helps build.

A number of people who have been on a regular test programme who have been taking a teaspoon or two a day early in the morning endorse the great values of the TC extract, which the makers say is the most beneficial form of coconut and who recommend straight doses of the health food rather than using coconut oil as a cooking medium.

The low sugar content of coconut as well as the calorific content of the extract makes it an ideal wellness habit, besides the tonic’s well-recorded entirely natural benefit of weight loss making it an ideal health additive.  Among several health benefits listed for TCE are a boost to good cholesterol and resultant boost to health of the heart, blood pressure control, help with digestion and liver condition, besides commonly recorded gains as an energy booster and as an ameliorative in Alzheimer’s.

Renowned doctor, V. Ramasubarmaniam, who is director of medical services and consultant, infectious diseases, at Apollo Hospitals, has this to say - “I am an allopathy doctor with a high regard for alternative medicine. Tender coconut extract tonic is highly beneficial and helpful. It complements ongoing treatment for my patients. It doesn’t have any side effects. It works well in chronic conditions. I recommend it to all my patients.”

TCE also comes highly recommended for diabetics as it enables better blood sugar control. Several diabetics in the test programme have given testimonials on how much taking TCE has helped stabilise their sugar levels leading to a better balanced life in terms of their meals. Of course, the benefits of physical exercise are never more stressed than for diabetics, but TCE helps improve the quality of life in tandem with a controlled diet and exercise.

A beneficiary of the test programme has testified that his general health had improved so much as to have led to his not falling sick for more than a couple of days in the last two years. Apart from common cold or fever, he has had no health complication despite being an elder and a diabetic.

The scientific breakdown of what causes the extract to be so beneficial for good health shows a plethora of fatty acids and proteins containing antioxidants. Richness in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) is composed of Caprylic acid, Lauric acid and Capric acid. And MCFA’s are easily converted into energy and do not lead to fat in tissue.

A programme associate explains that the Lauric acid brings the real richness and benefits of mother’s milk to the user. The stamina levels are amazing and last through the day, say many who have been on the programme consuming regularly at least one-two teaspoons a day.  

“As far as we know, we are the first in the country to give a pure tender coconut extract as health tonic,” says Surendra Dadha, who is marketing the tonic under the trade name of TW or Tendders Wonders Tonic in Chennai and many other cities.

“A range of products aimed at specific needs of the consumer is being sent to the market - General tonic for stamina, tonic for bone and muscle care, derma care, diabetic care, cardio care and for teenagers too. The general wellness the extract brings to users is our greatest satisfaction,” he concludes.

The makers also use the extract for natural weight loss along with special diets. The product line also contains one for cosmetic care. Well-known dermatologist Dr Vidya Rampradeep says, “For the first time in India there has bene something like an extract from tender coconut and this has major plus points. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial and extremely beneficial in restoring and conserving moisture in the skin. It also helps adults and children with eczema.”

There are more votaries for the range among doctors. Dr Jayesh Singhvi, an MD recommends TCE not only for the skin but also for Alzheimer’s “Patients suffering from senile dementia showed excellent effects and responded very well,” and add that the TCE is the best moisturiser “giving miraculous results.” Besides, he notes that TCE has helped tackle obesity in a natural way.

Remarkably, the TCE is recommended for cancer patients too. “As the seniormost oncologist of the country, I recommend the use of TC extract,” says Dr S. Subramanian. He significantly concludes that TCE also helps people who undergo radiation and suffer skin issues. “External form of TCE heals radiotherapy induced skin infections.”

(For details contact - Tendders Wonders, Phone 9155312345 email: mail@tendderswonders.com and
website - www.tendderswonders.com)

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