Highest allocation for IIRBS, says MGU vice chancellor
The directors of departments, schools and centres have the authorisation to spend Rs 25,000 without permission.
Kottayam: MG University vice-chancellor Dr Sabu Thomas has dismissed allegations over the Institute for Integrated Programs and Research in Basic Sciences (IIRBS) as baseless.
In a release on Saturday, he said the IIRBS was functioning in line with the statues of the university including its financial transactions and that it had the highest allocation amongst research institutes in the 2019 – 20 budget of the university.
The university decided to limit spending by directors of departments and centres considering its financial position, not due to Syndicate recommendations.
In the non-plan section, it earmarked Rs 2.32 crore and in the plan section, Rs 2.60 crore. During 2016 to 18, the university had spent Rs 2.04 crore, to raise IIRBS to international standards.
The directors of departments, schools and centres have the authorisation to spend Rs 25,000 without permission. It binds to the IIRBS too, on furnishing details of spending.
But its director had not furnished details. It should get permission for other financial transactions. The release said the director of one centre alone could not get unrestrained financial powers.
The Accountant General had found during 2011-15, it had spent Rs 6.31 crore on plan head, and Rs 1.81 crore non-plan head for salaries and stipends. The release said that the NMR unit of the IIRBS is functioning.
The University statute disallows projects of repetitive nature, but the IIRBS was violating it. When all other inter-university centres followed the temporary appointment provisions correctly, the IIRBS failed to adhere to them.
The IIRBS functioned against the order that a selection committee appointed by the university should conduct selection to the posts in which the department heads say that specialised expertise is needed and that this appointment should not be beyond 179 days, the release said.