EFLU Students Aproch Women Commission

Update: 2023-11-10 17:32 GMT

Hyderabad: About 100 women students of the English and Foreign Languages University (Eflu) on Friday approached the National Commission for Women (NCW) after forming a ‘Women's Collective’, following the case of sexual assault case in the campus last month.

In an email to the NCW, the collective sent copies of the statements of the victim and also narrated cases of harassment of female students.

One such case was of an assitant professor of the department of English as second language studies who used to intrude into the privacy of a student by incessantly texting and calling her late at night. He tried to obtain information about the victim from her friends in chats over social media, and later requested the friends to delete their chat history with him.

He also allegedly asked the victim to stop hanging out with male students from other departments. “These interactions deeply affected the victim emotionally,” the Women’s Collective alleged.

In another instance cited by the students, the assistant professor interacted with another female student and touched her inappropriately while she was with her friends in a public area. He allegedly persisted even though she brushed off his advances and made it clear that he did not have her consent to touch her, the Women’s Collective said.

The students, meanwhile, are continuing the relay hunger strike which they started on Monday. The administration had reportedly called them for negotiations.


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