Government VHSS Thamarasserry discards ballpoint pen to go plastic free

Project aims to spread awareness on green protocols.

Update: 2017-02-13 20:39 GMT
Kozhikode District Forest Officer (DFO) has pointed to the district collector that DEIAA has not considered many guidelines in granting license. (Photo: Representational Image/DC)

KOZHIKODE: Government VHSS Thamarasserry has set an ambitious target to have all of its 1,300 students abandon ballpoint pen under the green protocol project to become plastic free. Already 130 students of three classes have switched over to fountain pen as part of the project. "The students of 5 A, 9 B and 8 G have already done it. A number of classes are close behind. Soon, we will cover the whole school and set a role model," said K. Sugathakumari, Head Mistress. After abandoning ballpoint pen, students have bought fountain pen and two inkbottles, black and blue, is being kept ready at class rooms.

"The project was recommended by students themselves at 'Class Sabha' which is being organised by Janathipathya Vedi in each class," added the HM. Class Sabha is a kind of mock government where students select Chief Minister and other ministers to roll out programmes and measures for their welfare and that of the environment. The abandoned plastic pens and other non-disposable waste materials were collected and kept in school compound to be handed over to grama panchayat for safe disposal. "We are spreading the green message to the society at a time when natural resources are fast depleting.

Hopefully other schools will also follow our suit," says Bhavana B.T, a student. Sumitha Shivanandan, an English teacher, was of the opinion that students are the best green messengers as the awareness has a double result, both at school and at home. Thamarasserry grama panchayat president K. Saraswathi had felicitated the students for their eco concern at a function held in school recently. The 'ballpoint pen free' mission would be expanded to HSS, VHSE sections also.

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