Thiruvananthapuram international airport goes social on Facebook, Twitter
The initiative followed a directive by the Airports Authority of India to all airports under it.;

Thiruvananthapuram: In an effort to improve airport services through interaction with passengers, the Thiruvananthapuram international airport has opened accounts on social media.
The initiative followed a directive by the Airports Authority of India to all airports under it. Thiruvananthapuram airport created a facebook page ‘trivandrum.airport’ and twitter account ‘aaitvmairport’.
“Social media being the most interactive communication platform these days, we hope that our social media pages would be useful for passengers to give their opinions and suggestions on improving airport services. We have just opened the accounts and expect that it would soon become a platform for effective interactions,” said the airport director George Tharakan.
Information about the services at the airport and events happening there are being shared with the public through the social media accounts.
“We will also look into the possibility of sharing real time information regarding flight schedules through the airport. It would be useful to passengers or those coming to receive them to know the actual timings of flights,” said the airport director.
The city airport had earlier bagged awards for quality of services.