Colony life returns to normal 48 hours after python’s rescue

Residents continue to be in shock even after 24 hours

Update: 2022-11-17 18:52 GMT
Two people hold 11.5 feet long python while they were rescue it from Rail Nilayam Colony in Secunderabad on Wednesday. (Image: DC)

HYDERABAD: After the rescue of an Indian rock python, life is back to normal for residents of Rail Nilayam Colony, near Sangeet crossroads in Secunderabad.

Children from the colony, where cobras and rat snakes are regular visitors, resumed playing in the area that is 10 metres from the spot where the python was rescued. There are still dumps of dry leaves and branches that the authorities should clear on priority.

There are around 50 children in the residential colony comprising around 50 flats and some independent quarters.

Even though the danger has passed off, the colony residents are still in a state of shock after seeing the 11.5 feet long python on Tuesday. “I dread to imagine what if the kids had gone nearer in search of a ball or something else,” said Rekhpally Nagaraju, a resident.

Kalyan Chekrawarthi, another resident, said, “this colony has a wall that it shares with the 80-acre railway recreation club, which has lot of trees. A water pipeline was laid recently but the hole on the wall has not closed. The python could have come from there.”

K. Raju, a contract worker, said “along with the railway workers we were cleaning the premises, when a worker noticed its movement and raised an alarm. We immediately called snake rescuers, who took the huge snake.”

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