Youngsters help recover lost green cover in Chennai

After the cyclone, the greenery of the city has come down to five percent from eight.

Update: 2016-12-19 00:38 GMT
Bhagwan Singh, Executive editor of Deccan Chronicle, Justice P. Jyothimani and actor Aari take part in the tree planting drive, during which 5,000 saplings were planted in the city. (Photo: DC)

Chennai: A week after Cyclone Vardah devastated Chennai; the city is now taking steady steps to recovery. In an initiative that sets an example to many welfare associations and youth, like-minded activists on Sunday planted as many as 5,000 saplings across the city, as part of the 'Green Chennai Once Again' drive. Awareness on the tree plantation drive is wide, as indigenous and fruit bearing species were preferred, against the exotic ones that grow fast.

Inaugurating the drive at Madras School of Social Work, Judicial Member of National Tribunal Southern Zone, Justice P. Jyothimani said, “The best service one can do is to nature. I am really happy to witness many youngsters eager to participate to bring back the greenery in the city.”

After the cyclone, the greenery of the city has come down to five percent from eight. Even though people are aware about the method of re-planting the uprooted trees, it is sad that they are not doing it, Justice Jyothimani felt.

Appreciating the participation of youth, Actor Aari said, “It is the duty of a common man to join in such missions. Educational institutions should also encourage such initiatives.”

Attributing the massive tree fall to improper tree plantation methods, Social Activist Abdul Ghani said, “Around two feet of land must be dug to plant a tree, of which one foot should be covered with manure and another with soil.”
 Requesting the public to get involved in tree re-plantation activities, Abdul Ghani said, "Six-year-old trees at Madhavaram were replanted successfully." “The Chief Minster has promised support to regain the city's green level to 33.3% with required fund,” he added.

Dr. Amal Prakash Reddy, representative of Green Council of India, distributed the tree saplings that consisted of native species like Pongam, neem, mango, guava, hibiscus and palm. Various youth organisations including National Service Scheme, Care and Welfare and Angels of Marina, joined the drive that covered campuses as well as a few residential area in Besant Nagar, KK Nagar and Anna Nagar. 

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