No late-night weddings to be held in Old City

Police instructed wedding halls managers to ensure that the ceremonies are finished before 10 pm

By :  Ather Moin
Update: 2020-03-22 07:27 GMT
Muslim wedding. (Photo- Twitter)

Hyderabad: Police in the Old City has imposed restrictions on late night weddings in the wake of Covid-19.

Wedding hall managers were asked not to take fresh bookings. People are either postponing nikah ceremonies or solemnising them in the mornings, considering restrictions imposed by the law-enforcing agencies.

Usually, in Hyderabad, Muslims arrange wedding ceremonies in the evening hours. In rural areas people still organise marriages in the morning. Police has instructed wedding halls managers to ensure that the ceremonies are finished before 10 pm.

Teams of cops have been given the special marriage hall watch. In a few places, police have locked down function halls open after 10 pm. People are advised postponement of weddings to avoid the spread of coronavirus until normalcy is restored and asked to restrict invitees to 200 for weddings already underway.

To avoid congregations, people have started solemnising nikah ceremonies in mosques with limited invitees.

A nikaah was solemnised after the noon prayers in the Shahi masjid, Public Garden. Delivering the nikaah sermon, Moulana Ahasin bin Mohammed al-Hamoomi exhorted making nikaah ceremonies low profile and simple as it is a pure canonical act which need not show extravagance.

He insisted that people follow the rulings of Islam in the ceremonies which are beneficial for an individual and for society. He also advised the gathering to follow virus protocol, avoid unnecessary congregations and maintain cleanliness.

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