Kharif rice output pegged down by 6%

Update: 2022-09-22 09:26 GMT
A new rice variety developed by the Agriculture Research Station (ARS) here was found to contain 22.5 per cent zinc much to the delight of agriculture scientists. (Representational Photo:DC)

Chennai: The food grain production under the kharif crop this year is expected to be 4 per cent less than last year and 8 per cent below the target production.

Kharif (summer) grain production in FY23, as per the first advance estimate released by the government on Wednesday, will be 149.92 million tonnes. This is 4 per cent lower than 156.04 million tonnes of grain production predicted by the fourth advance estimate for FY22.

The target kharif grain production for FY23 was 163.15 million tonnes, 8 per cent higher than the first advance estimate.

Rice, which is the main food grain of the kharif crop, is estimated to be 6 per cent lower at 104.99 million tonnes in 2022-23 against 111.76 million tonnes last year. The target rice production was 112 million tonnes.

Maize during 2022-23 is estimated at 23.10 million tonnes. Total kharif pulses production is expected to be stagnant at 8.37 million tonnes against a target of 10 million tonnes. Tur production is likely to be 3.89 million tonnes, urad 1.84 million tonnes, groundnut 8.37 million tonnes and soyabean 12.89 million tonnes. Tur and urad production are below the fourth estimate of last year. Total oilseed output is expected to be 23.57 million tonnes against 22.24 million tonne in FY22.

Cotton production is estimated to be  34.19 million bales (of 170 kg each) against 31.2 million bales of FY22. The target has been 37 million for the kharif crop.

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