IIT Guwahati beckons school students for contest
Preliminary of techno-management festival to be held in Kochi on July 17
KOCHI: Recognizing the dire need for technical exposure and true inspiration for present day school students, the student fraternity of IIT Guwahati is organizing Technothlon, the International School Championship, as a part of their annual techno-management festival, Techniche. The students are divided into Junior Squad (Classes 9-10) and the Hauts Squad (Classes 11-12) and the preliminaries of the event will be held on July 17 at a centre in Kochi.
Technothlon was born in 2004 with the purpose of providing a new perspective towards thinking among young minds. A team of two students, both from the same squad and same school, can participate and registration fee is Rs 100 per team. The prelims will test mental aptitude and logical reasoning and no academic syllabus is involved.
The paper is totally different from that of any other competitive examination being based on logic, analytical ability and practical observations and out of the box thinking. The top 50 teams are awarded with Gold Certificates and are invited to IIT-Guwahati to participate in the Mains organized during Techniche 2016 from September 1 to 4. The main winners of each squad will get a guided tour of NASA’s AMES Centre in California, USA.
An online module Technopedia too has been provided to let participants experience prelims in advance. These are monthly set of questions giving the feel of what the Technothlon paper is going to be about. For details visit: http://technothlon.techniche.org or ph: 8281341742. Apply online or offline by first week of July. Technothlon has been conducted in Dubai, Singapore, Moscow and Kathmandu in previous years, apart from 350 centres across the nation and has recorded 1,00,00,000 hits on its website.