Women call for support, holiday during periods
Psychologists believe that some men have become supportive about periods
HYDERABAD: Hashtags like #EndTheStigma, #MensturalHygieneDay #MensturationMatters trended on social media on Saturday, the World Menstrual Day. Women activists said there should be more awareness campaigns in the city on the subject.
"Women in periods ignore their condition and there are not many campaigns about what they are going through. The government should conduct awareness camps for girls and boys as well. In other countries, women are offered leave during the periods. In India, optional leave should be given," said V. Sandhya, national convener, Progressive Organisation for Women.
Psychologists believe that some men have become supportive about periods. "I have seen many husbands helping their wives which was not encouraged earlier.
However, there are many girls who are forced to follow religious norms. But things have changed, people are normalising periods which is a good thing and must continue," said Eswari Vadlamudi, psychologist.
A gynaecologist in the city, Dr N.J. Sunitha, said it was mostly mothers that educated their daughters about periods and hygiene. She suggested that women change their pads every 4-6 hours and bathe twice a day during their periods.