Short Termination and Origination Of Trains

Train No 08551 Visakhapatnam-Kirandul train departing from Vizag between Nov 29 and Dec 3 will conclude its route at Dantewara

Update: 2023-11-29 05:15 GMT
The DRM said passenger safety, elimination of manned level crossings, fortifying the existing infrastructure, ramping up traffic facilities and laying of new lines will remain the top agenda and focus during FY 202324. DC Image

Visakhapatnam: Due to ongoing safety works, several trains are short-terminated and originated. The following trains are :

The 18514 Visakhapatnam-Kirandul Night Express train departing from Visakhapatnam between November 29 and December 3 will be shortened, culminating its journey at Dantewara during this period.

Correspondingly, the return journey of train No. 18513 Kirandul-Visakhapatnam Night Express will commence from Dantewara to Visakhapatnam from November 30 to December 4  instead of its usual departure from Kirandul.

Train No 08551 Visakhapatnam-Kirandul train departing from Visakhapatnam between November 29 and December 3 will conclude its route at Dantewara during this period.

Train No. 08552 Kirandul-Visakhapatnam will set off from Dantewara to reach Visakhapatnam from November 30 to December 4  in place of its regular departure from Kirandul.


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