‘We can move construction but not forest’

Kerala Forest Research Institute has conducted a study on the rich biodiversity of this forest, but that is not enough.

Update: 2019-04-29 19:57 GMT

The environmental value of Santhivanam is that it is a remnant patch of an evergreen forest which once existed in that area. The groves seen in this small forest land point to its old character, and that is one of the reasons why it should be protected. Additionally, we do not have such green patches in this elevation—the low-lying areas.

Kerala Forest Research Institute has conducted a study on the rich biodiversity of this forest, but that is not enough. We need to take the count of each of the species and the trees here and I am working on that. I hope to complete it within a week. That study will give us a better idea on the value of this grove.

There are about 16 parameters to assess the environmental value of a place, including the oxygen it gives out and the carbon dioxide it absorbs. I am sure that the money KSEB has spent here will be nothing in comparison with the contribution this patch of forest gives us.

We do not want the KSEBL to stop the construction of the transmission line; we, however, want them to understand the value of this piece of forest and save it. It can very well realign the line and do it. We can move a piece of construction, but not a piece of forest.

(Dr V. S. Vijayan is a noted environmental scientist and director of Salim Ali Foundation. As told to K.J. Jacob)

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