The Karnataka government announced a three-day state mourning from December 10 to 12 as a mark of respect for the veteran politician, who passed away on Tuesday morning at his residence in Bengaluru. Krishna, aged 92, had been unwell for some time.
The official notification stated that during the mourning period, the national flag would be flown at half-mast across government buildings, and no official entertainment programs would be held.
SM Krishna’s last rites will be conducted with full state honors on Wednesday in his native village in Mandya district.
A towering figure in Karnataka’s political landscape, Krishna served as the state’s Chief Minister from 1999 to 2004, earning widespread respect for his emphasis on technology, infrastructure, and modernization. Beyond his tenure in state politics, Krishna held several key positions at the national level, including India’s External Affairs Minister and Governor of Maharashtra.
His passing marks the end of an era for Karnataka and the nation, with leaders across party lines mourning the loss of a visionary who contributed significantly to the state’s development and India’s foreign relations.