BJP is enemy no.1, clarifies Prakash Karat faction

No question of helping Sangh Parivar'.

Update: 2018-01-22 19:32 GMT
CPI(M) Polit Bureau member Prakash Karat. (Photo: PTI)

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: With the stand taken by CPM central committee on not having any understanding with the Congress being dubbed as pro-BJP by some quarters, Prakash Karat faction has said that the propaganda was devious and aimed at creating confusion. Sources close to Karat faction pointed out that the CC had identified BJP as the enemy no. 1 and there was no question of helping the Sangh Parivar in any way. Moreover, the party has only opposed electoral and political understanding with the Congress. However, the party was open to common platform of all secular and democratic forces to oppose the communal and fascist forces.

The Karat faction had come in for sharp criticism from some quarters for taking a position that could jeopardise the unity of all anti-BJP forces ahead of 2019 Lok Sabha polls. However, those opposed to Congress say that the party's main task is to strengthen the Left front and then think of rallying other secular and democratic forces. The anti-Karat faction believes that the CPM stand could send a wrong signal to the people especially at a time when the unity and integrity of the country was under threat from forces that are polarising the society on religious lines.

They say the systematic attack on constitutional authorities, democratic institutions and democratic rights of people under the Modi regime has posed serious danger to the democratic polity. The immediate need is to bring down the Modi government in the very first available opportunity. The continuation of Modi government would mean giving free run to the private armies which are lynching people in the name of cow, eating beef, fringe groups are dictating terms to people on what to eat, whom to be friends with and what to wear. Moreover, Modi government’s complete surrender to the US global strategic interests was directly affecting the economy.

A section of party leaders pointed out that since 2002 there has been no electoral front or alliance with the Congress which represented the interests of Indian ruling classes. This has been the consistent stand of the party. However, they say the developments that took place in the last three years and the strident position of Hindutva brigade called for a practical approach. Under these circumstances the main objective should be to defeat the BJP. They say concrete tactics needs to be formulated to achieve the goal of defeating BJP. However, such tactics cannot be adopted in advance and will have to be decided considering the local conditions and political situation prevailing in each state.

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