Jagga Reddy: Revanth to Complete Term, BRS, BJP MLAs to Join Congress

Update: 2024-05-24 18:00 GMT
TPCC working president T. Jayaprakash ‘Jagga’ Reddy on Friday reiterated that Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy would complete his term in office, and that BRS and BJP MLAs were willing to join Congress after the announcement of the Lok Sabha election results on June 4. (Image: DC)

Hyderabad: TPCC working president T. Jayaprakash ‘Jagga’ Reddy on Friday reiterated that Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy would complete his term in office, and that BRS and BJP MLAs were willing to join Congress after the announcement of the Lok Sabha election results on June 4.

Speaking to media persons at Gandhi Bhavan, Jagga Reddy said, " BJP leaders are experts in dethroning governments. The Congress government will continue, and Revanth Reddy will be continue as Chief Minister," Jagga Reddy said.

He said that BJP leaders were disheartened as the party was expected to fall short of numbers at the Centre. “After the Lok Sabha poll results, five BJP MLAs will leave the party and join the Congress in Telangana," the TPCC working president said. He said that after the BJP sensed that it was losing power, it had started making conciliatory statements to attract Muslims.

On the minimum support price, he said it was for the Centre to fix it and the BJP-led government had not done so. Despite this, BJP leaders were blaming the Congress, he said. BRS leaders K.T. Rama Rao and T. Harish Rao must apologise for failing to serve for people during their ten-year regime.


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