Dilip Cherian| As more babus get involved in politics, BJP's cadres unhappy

Update: 2023-10-11 19:05 GMT

Prime Minister Narendra Modi may love his babus but the increasing involvement of former babus in politics is causing a lot of tension among the BJP cadres. This trend has gained momentum in recent times. While former civil servants have taken a significant role within the PMO and the government, and even within the BJP, it's now beginning to grate on the party workers. Recently, BJP workers in Rajasthan complained about Chandra Mohan Babu, a 1980-batch IAS officer who has joined the BJP and is seeking a party ticket for the upcoming Assembly elections.

The discontent seems to be running deep, with some party workers even launching a campaign to discourage the party leadership from denying tickets to loyal party workers, while giving tickets to former babus and others who have not actively contributed to the party.

While obviously not all former babus will get BJP tickets, their growing presence in organisational roles within the party is causing unease among the party cadres, according to sources. Cases like Chandra Mohan Babu's candidacy in Rajasthan and the influx of more than 20 former babus into the BJP in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh underscore these concerns.

However, the trend of former bureaucrats entering politics and assuming key roles within a political party is unlikely to lose momentum and is likely to continue, influencing national politics in the coming years.

Vigilance probe casts shadow on shortlist for new IRFC CMD

The railway ministry is set to conduct interviews to fill the vacant position of chairman and managing director (CMD) at the Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC). The post has been vacant for a year since the removal of the previous CMD, Amitabh Banerjee, in October last year after he was named in a corruption case.

Among the shortlisted candidates, sources have informed DKB, is Shelley Verma, who had served as the director of finance at the PSU and is temporarily the CMD. However, her inclusion in the shortlist has raised concerns since during Mr Banerjee’s tenure she allegedly gave approval for the procurement of gold and silver medallions worth lakhs of rupees to allegedly present as gifts to “dignitaries”, violating Central Vigilance Commission’s rules against giving costly gifts.

While a vigilance inquiry into allegations of financial misappropriation and questionable expenses during Mr Banerjee’s tenure has implicated several IFRC officials, including Mr Banerjee, Shelley Verma was not named in the CBI case.

However, her involvement in approving some questionable purchases during Mr Banerjee's tenure has raised questions about her suitability for the CMD role, some observe.

To assume the position for a full term, the vigilance directorate of the Railways would need to grant her clearance. How this controversy will impact the selection process for the leadership of the IRFC remains to be seen. Hopefully, it won't be a long wait.

Govt debars 8 IPS officers from Central deputation

The decision to debar eight IPS officers from Central deputation and foreign assignments is an attempt by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to send a strong signal that the government is committed to maintaining discipline and accountability within the civil services. It also underscores the importance of officers adhering to their assigned duties and responsibilities.

The IPS officers debarred failed to join their last assignments. They include Modak Rajesh Dineshrao, Dr Meenakshi Katyayan and L.V. Antony Dev Kumar (from UP cadre), Ragasudha R., Atul Vikas Kulkarni and Gorakh Suresh Bhamare (from Maharashtra cadre), and Rajesh Duggal and Rajender Kumar Meena (from Haryana cadre). It is hoped that this debarment serves as a preventive measure by discouraging officers from avoiding their designated roles in the future.

Sources have informed DKB that the debarred officers could face significant career setbacks, which can affect their professional growth and opportunities for diverse experiences.

Hopefully, the move makes it amply clear to all babus that non-compliance with postings can have serious consequences.

Love them, hate them ignore them at national peril, is the babu guarantee and Dilip’s belief. Share significant babu escapades at dilipcherian@hotmail.com.


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