Trump reality show
The race for the White House is a different ball game.
There is rum irony in the fact that the Republicans, and USA as well, are facing the ultimate reality show in the race for the presidency. When Donald Trump’s campaign began a year ago, the maverick real estate billionaire’s run for President was seen as some kind of joke that would peter out as more reasonable candidates, who did not take such extreme positions on Mexicans, Muslims, the differently-abled and women, gained momentum.
But, as John Kasich suspended his campaign Wednesday to leave Trump as the sole candidate standing, the Republican Party is left with the dilemma of supporting him while loathing his policies and what he stands for. As the party cannot be in denial much longer since there is really no alternative now even in a contested convention, the Republicans would simply have to forget “Never Trump” and get on with finding unity for a real shot at the Oval Office.
While the party is hoping Trump will at least tone down his vulgar language, the candidate’s own chance would be furthered somewhat if he finds a sober running mate, an issue he would have to tackle with great sobriety rather than his usual bombast, which seems to have upset virtually every group, except maybe the KKK.
As Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell put it, Trump had “the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals”. The race for the White House is a different ball game, one in which Trump will be under scrutiny like never before. Can he shed the image of “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot” — as many see him — and become a serious contender against the ruling Democrats’ candidate?