DC Edit | Modi for care, inclusivity, innovation on global scale

Update: 2023-08-27 18:35 GMT
Prime Minister Narendra Modi digitally addresses the G20 Digital Economy Ministers' Meeting, on Saturday. (Image: PTI)

It takes extraordinary courage for any leader of any country to be able to boldly reach out to the heart and soul of the rest of the world, and try to set an agenda beyond the legal boundaries of their own domain. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has always been intrepid in setting out a bold agenda and seeking support from other countries based on the appeal of his ideas, which stand out for their clarity, potential for mutual benefit and larger moral conviction. Letting the world come together to create sustained support for yoga was just one example of this acumen. Creating a solar alliance was another. As the final rounds of activity started for the G-20 under India’s presidency, Mr Modi set out a global agenda and tried to reach out not only to other countries on a political level, but also directly to stakeholders.

Emphasising on the value of inclusivity, which is, in a way, another facet of his domestic policy of Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas, Mr Modi said including Africa into the expanded G-20 was crucial to expanding the power and potential of the G-20 partnership. Without Africa being a significant part, how could G-20 play a role in solving the problems of the world? Similarly, Mr Modi also advocated the value of breaking down the shackles of distrust globally, and understood how Covid-19, a pandemic of global scale, had shown it was necessary for mutual trust to drive partnerships between countries, companies, communities and people.

Mr Modi spoke of how innovation and inclusivity together play a crucial role in solving the problems of the world while bringing nations and people together. He showed how India, the world’s largest democracy and most populous nation, believes in harnessing the power of its people for the larger good of humanity, by dedicating, for instance, the success of Isro to the entire planet.

He also used this opportunity to draw attention to how India was becoming the pharmacy of the world, and how it would harness its domestic economic agenda for the greater good. Mr Modi also spoke of how democracy can be made to deliver results, and how India has helped over 13.5 crore people come out of absolute poverty with a combination of economic, social and welfare policies.

Environment was another major theme of his talk, and aptly at that. Humankind can no longer afford to think, operate, live or solve problems in silos. Mr Modi offered to use his influence on behalf of India to create various international platforms and strengthen existing ones in order to ensure that nations could collaborate and celebrate our unique human commonality towards shaping a better, greener and more sustainable Earth.

Appealing to corporations, businesses, entrepreneurs and innovator communities to understand the value of sustainability and circular economies, Mr Modi presented the examples of millets and linking solar power with production of green hydrogen to create sustainable and profitable economics.

Go beyond the minimum and aim for a larger value, Mr Modi said, such as creating a World Consumer Care Day, whereby showing concern and care, we can aim for something more than the minimal line of compliance like the mere fulfilment of rights.


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