Mystic Mantra: The divine feminine

The one act of humiliating Draupadi resulted in such destruction that even after thousands of years it is remembered in horror, shame and awe.

Update: 2016-07-07 20:54 GMT
Time and again, history has proved that humiliating women attracts large-scale destruction and that too not only of those directly involved in humiliation but even their supporters, mute spectators and the rulers of the land.

A woman is the feminine aspect of the Divine creative force. She is the manifestation of these cosmic forces in human form. In the pure un-manifested aspect, she is formless, omnipresent, omnipotent energy and the cause for the creation of universe. And in the manifestation aspect she is in the form of a woman. Among all the species in the universe only female species has the power to procreate and one among them are women. Without this female aspect of creative force, the world would have come to an end long ago.

In spite of such potential power within women, she falls prey to the abuse, atrocity and humiliation. Women have the virtue of being a love-showering entity through various roles such as of a mother, sister, wife and daughter. History has shown that woman becomes the medium for destructing evil forces, which are responsible for atrocities on her.

We know how demon Mahishasura was killed by Goddess Durga. Mahishasura gained a boon from Lord Brahma that made him invulnerable to men of any species. Even the Devatas tried to fight Mahishasura but they realised that he alone has the power of all of them. Then when Devatas prayed to Goddess Durga, she fought and killed Mahishasura.

Sita was kidnapped by Ravana and kept in captivity. Rama with the help of Hanuman and the army of monkeys eventually destroyed Ravana’s army and Lanka and killed Ravana along with his brother, son and relatives. In this destruction, too, Sita was the medium.

We also know how Draupadi (wife of Pandavas) was humiliated in the court room of King Dhritarashtra and Lord Krishna saved her. That humiliation became the cause for Mahabharata war and all the 100 Kauravas (Duryodhana and his brothers) along with their supporters were killed.

The one act of humiliating Draupadi resulted in such destruction that even after thousands of years it is remembered in horror, shame and awe. Time and again, history has proved that humiliating women attracts large-scale destruction and that too not only of those directly involved in humiliation but even their supporters, mute spectators and the rulers of the land.

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