Mystic Mantra: Seven points of mindfulness
A person who lives a life of devotion has a certain direction in life will not go astray.;
There are seven points of mindfulness — awareness, benediction, creativity, devotion, ecstasy, friendliness, and Godliness. But if one starts with the first point sincerely in daily life, the other six points happen as part of natural growth. In the beginning, being in constant awareness is an effort, one has to remember to be in total awareness of everything — within and without — on physical, mental and emotional levels. This is the most arduous process, but not something impossible. Being aware of our actions on the physical level with all its sensations, being aware of our thoughts and being aware of our emotions and feelings is in itself a long process of sadhana. This one step leads us towards the state of realisation of the totality of our being.
During this process of this realisation (one can call it the inner journey), one starts having some glimpses of benediction, an inner contentment, the real happiness within — that is not dependent on others. This fills us with more energy to live our life creatively — not wasting our energy in trivial matters of the world. A new door of devotion opens in our being. A person who lives a life of devotion has a certain direction in life — will not go astray. The journey is no longer boring or tedious — it becomes juicy. One can go unhindered on the path which has become lush green with all the scenery. One can sing and dance on the path in ecstasy and celebrate the journey. The journey itself — for an ecstatic meditator — feels like the goal.
In this state of being, a seeker feels the fragrance of friendliness showering from all directions. One feels at homeness with the earth and sky, the trees, the birds, the mountains, the rivers and the waterfalls and everything in nature. One feels oneness with the whole existence. This is what is meant by Godliness. God is not some person sitting high up in the sky like an emperor giving commandments to his empire. God is this totality and the wholeness of existence — this very life that surrounds us.
Osho says: To me, when someone says that God exists, it means the same thing: Existence exists. God and existence are equivalent synonyms. Once you have become aware of what existence is, you will not call it existence. Then you will call it God. The moment one becomes aware of the total being that is, then you cannot use the word existence. You become more intimate with it, so you have to use a personal name.
The experiencing of Godliness within oneself manifests as friendliness towards all beings — the whole life that surrounds us — as Osho points out: Your life should reach to others. Your blissfulness, your benediction, your ecstasy should not be contained within you like a seed. It should open like a flower and spread its fragrance to all and sundry — not only to friends but to strangers too. This is real compassion, this is real love: Sharing your enlightenment, sharing your dance of the beyond.