Controversy erupts after Jana Sena MLA's nephew chairs meeting at TMC

Update: 2024-07-03 07:15 GMT
Tirupati Municipal Corporation. (Photo: Wikipedia)

TIRUPATI: A political controversy erupted here on Tuesday after Arani Siva Kumar, the nephew of Jana Sena MLA  Arani Srinivasulu, held an unauthorized meeting with officials of the Municipal Corporation (MCT) though he held no official position.

The incident has drawn criticism, reminiscent of the recent Rayachoti episode, where the outburst of minister Ramprasad Reddy's wife, Haritha Reddy, against a sub inspector sparked public criticism. These episodes raised allegations of nepotism and abuse of power soon after the three-party alliance government took charge of the state.

The unauthorised meeting came to light when a video of the gathering went viral on social media. The footage showed Siva Kumar seated alongside Municipal Commissioner Aditi Singh, addressing officials from various MCT departments.

A son of the MLA’s brother was heard urging officials to perform their duties diligently, emphasizing that proper execution of responsibilities is important.

"If everyone, from sanitation workers to commissioner-level employees and the MLA performs his or her duties well, it will bring a good name to all," Siva was heard saying in the video.

He also called on officials to set aside past differences and focus on public service. He claimed that, with Srinivasulu as the new MLA for Tirupati, there's widespread happiness among the public and that they would support the civic officials in their work for public good.

The opposition parties sharply criticised the audacity of the MLA’s kin to hold such a meeting. YSRC Tirupati in-charge Bhumana Abhinay Reddy condemned the incident and asked how such a nonentity could hold a meeting with an IAS officer and senior MCT officials.

"It is improper for an MLA’s relative to sit next to an IAS officer and conduct meetings with senior civic officials. Such meetings should be conducted by the MLA, not his brother's son, who blatantly interfered in the civic body’s affairs," Abhinay said.

"It appears that after winning the Tirupati MLA seat, Srinivasulu's sole focus is on amassing wealth, evidenced by sending his nephew to interfere in municipal affairs. In a democracy, leaders chosen by the people should address public issues with officials, not his relatives", he stated.

The incident has also drawn criticism from CPIM leader Kandarapu Murali, who said, "It's inappropriate for an MLA's relative to chair meetings with senior officials, including IAS officers. This practice of officials saying 'Yes, sir' to unauthorized individuals must stop immediately.”

Opposition leaders have noted an increase in the ruling alliance leaders' dominance over officials after the new government took charge. “The state government should restrain relatives and followers of ministers and MLAs from issuing directions to government officials”, Abhinay Reddy said.

Despite repeated attempts to contact MLA Srinivasulu and Siva Kumar for a comment on the issue, they remained unavailable.


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