Rooting for feminism!

This software architect turned photographer believes that education and a shift in perception is the key to women empowerment.;

Update: 2019-06-29 18:45 GMT

An architect by profession and a photographer by passion – defines Bengaluru-based Rakesh Ayilliath. Fascinated by the moving image of an Afghan Girl captured by the renowned American photographer, Stever McCurry, Rakesh was gobsmacked with the fact that a single picture had the power to convey the volume of angst and uncertainty. The colossal inspiration to reignite the zeal and vision for photography in him after a break came from his beautiful daughter. Capturing his pretty doe eyed daughter’s portraits, Rakesh pursued his passion. Being an avid lover of the performing arts, his interests of work also includes portfolio shoots of musicians and dance shows.

She believes in striking the right balance

Reminiscing his college life and the moment he raised his digital A game he shares,  “My first camera was an Olympus four thirds. It was fascinating moving up from the digital point back in college. Though I was a computer science student, I was pretty close to the visual communication groups. I spent most of my free time around the dark rooms and recording stations. Getting an SLR in hand, just felt good. I was excited about the fact that I finally could do a lot more with art.” Rakesh embarked his official photography journey from 2006. A technical architect by profession, time may seem as a constraint for him, but his passion for photography never takes a back seat. His weekends are entirely dedicated to photography and his family. Working on a collection that depicts the challenges of women through the form of dance, Rakesh’s view on women empowerment and empowerment on the whole is a bit rational.

She can fend for herself against impending dangers

He opines, “I believe there is no point in handing out easy solutions to fix women empowerment issues, like the recent news about allowing women to travel for free in Delhi metros to support women. Quotas after quotas, reservations, special seats in trains and buses do not solve a thing. The underlying foundation of society both from a structural and economic point of view requires a fundamental paradigm shift for any empowerment to make sense. Changes to our education system and so on are also the key.”

She is a multi tasking achiever

In a world where people are living a sedentary lifestyle by focusing only on their career and in the bargain forget their passion, Rakesh seems as a perfect example for work-life balance. He says, “It’s not easy, to make time for anything. Between taking care of home and office and Bengaluru’s traffic! But you must let the passion drive you. We all have finite time and ample amount of skill sets in hand. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your abilities. Do not succumb to mediocrity. Do something that makes you proud of yourself every day and cumulatively something that people remember you for.”

She fights hurdles with grace and style

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