Life in focus

Sreejith K. Soman loves globetrotting while peeking into people and their theories about life.

By :  Gokul m.g
Update: 2018-12-01 18:33 GMT
A native of Kochi, Sreejith focuses more on travel photography and admits that travelling around the world has helped him grow as a person and a photographer.

It didn’t take long for Sreejith K. Soman, an engineer, to discover that photography was his passion. An ardent backpacker, Sreejith feels photography became a lifestyle for him. “Quitting my job as an engineer, I shifted to advertising, as I was unable to stand the monotony. I started photography as a hobby slowly, it grew into a passion,” Sreejith says.

The travelling photographer loves to explore the world with his camera and learn more about places, people and lifestyles. “I define myself as a person who wants to explore more about other people, and learn about how they see life. Each and every person will have his own theory about life. It’s fun to hear the theories.” 

A native of Kochi, Sreejith focuses more on travel photography and admits that travelling around the world has helped him grow as a person and a photographer. “The best example was my interactions with the mountain people. Most of them are very calm and happy. Once you spend time with them, some of their habits inspire you. I have a lot of patience now. I am happy with simple things. Infact, I feel that travelling makes one a happy human being. Rest will follow with his actions,” he adds. 

His dream project, he says is a world tour, where he documents the life of the tribal community from different parts of the world.

He believes that modern day technologies have helped him in a big way, and offers everyone a platform to showcase talent. He also feels that, irrespective of how blessed one is with technology and social media platforms, one need to be passionate to thrive in photography. 

“Consistency and adapting yourself to new changes are inevitable in this fast-paced world,” he shares.

For Sreejith, awards do not matter much. “Each person has a different perspective. My favourite photograph may not connect with others because they may not have experienced what I experienced at that moment. If I like one photo, and it makes me happy, that’s enough for me.” 

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