Ball of a time

Use this Bosu ball workout to burn calories, get your heart rate up, and build muscle.

Update: 2016-05-28 18:43 GMT
Abdominal exercise/Crunch ( Credits: Vinod Channa, celebrity fitness trainer with over 22 years of experience)

If you’re pressed for time and have only 30 minutes to get a full body workout, No problem. Use this BOSU ball workout to burn calories, get your heart rate up, and build muscle.

Abdominal exercise/Crunch

Lie with your back against the round side of the Bosu ball. Your knees should be bent with your feet flat on the ground. Fold your arms across your chest. This will be your starting position. Perform the movement by flexing the lumbar spine raising your torso. Do not flex the hips. At the top of the motion pause and then return to the starting position. One should do at least three sets with 10 to 15 counts.

Bosu Ball squat

Keep your feet on the Bosu Ball on both sides then stand straight locking your core and go down taking the hip till the knee level and come back again. This will contract your cordite-spit hip muscle as well as core muscle. Repeat this 10 to 15 times with two to three sets.


Bosu Ball squat

Plank on Bosu Ball

Place the ball flat-side down. Rest your forearms on top of the dome and come into a plank position, keeping your shoulders over your elbows. Your body should be in a straight line from head to heels. Pull your abdominals in toward your spine and squeeze your gluteals. Hold for one minute.

Plank on Bosu Ball

Squat and Jump on the Bosu Ball

Flip the ball back on its flat side and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the dome and jump out into a push-up position. Jump back into a squat and stand up. Jump onto and off the dome with both feet. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

Squat and Jump on the Bosu Ball

Performing Squat on Bosu Ball Flat Side

This is more tough and needs lots of core involvement so performing squat on this is more beneficial because with the leg muscle your gluteal and abdominal muscles get involved to balance yourself. This will improve your balancing strength while playing any sport or jogging or any jumping movement with the leg muscle. One should do 10 to 15 repetitions or do one minute continuous squats. If one is comfortable then do it with weights to get more intense workouts.

Performing Squat on Bosu Ball Flat Side

Side to Side Push up

Flip the ball over onto its flat side. Grip the sides of the platform or place your hands on top of it and perform a push-up, holding your body in a straight line. One should do this with about 10 to 15 repetitions with two to three sets.


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