Bite-Size Wisdom In Eating Rituals

Here are some easy healthy eating rituals that you can adopt in 2025 to stay fit and healthy;

Update: 2025-01-13 18:40 GMT
Mindful eating, nutritious snacking, and holistic approaches can transform your health journey in 2025. (Image: Freepik)

Well, 2025 is here! We know you must have made a lot of new-year resolutions as you entered the new year. However, resolutions are easily broken, especially regarding a resolution related to healthy eating habits. Once you put your hands inside a pack of chips, it’s rare to see that it gets out without finishing the entire pack. Isn’t it? Or when you are hungry, you find yourself emotionally weak leading to even more casual eating habits. This is scientifically proven. So, what to do this year to stick to the healthy eating schedule you promised to yourself? Let us discuss some simple yet effective healthy rituals to follow in 2025 to stay fit and healthy.

Food For Thought
It is important to make sure that eating is not just about filling your tummy, it is a ritual that you enjoy following. You must try and enjoy the taste of the food you are eating without any distractions. Simrat Kathuria, CEO and Head Dietitian at The Diet Xperts says, “Spend some time enjoying your meals without being distracted by smartphones or televisions. Take your time chewing, enjoy the tastes, and pay attention to your body. This avoids overeating in addition to aiding in digestion.” Similarly, in one of her interactions, last year, actress Alia Bhatt spoke about feeding her daughter in silence so that she enjoys her meal and understands every bite she is having instead of getting distracted by what’s happening around her.

Mealtime Habits

This year, stick to certain eating rituals before and after every meal. You can divide them into morning, afternoon, evening, and weekly rituals. Tanya Khanna, Nutritionist and Yoga Trainer at Alyve Health, a health-tech platform, suggests following morning rituals such as hydrating yourself first thing in the morning, having mindful breakfast and incorporating a quick superfood shot in the morning meal. “Incorporate a quick shot of turmeric, ginger, or amla juice for immunity and inflammation control,” Khanna adds. During the day, Khanna suggests to add some colours to your meal. Fill your plate with a rainbow of seasonal fruits and vegetables to ensure diverse nutrient intake. In evening rituals, you can have light dinners, limit screen time, and end your meal with herbal tea. Dr PN Arora, CMD Yashoda Super-speciality Hospital Kaushambi, suggests, “A cup of chamomile or peppermint tea before bed can aid relaxation, improve digestion, and promote better sleep, helping you wake up refreshed and ready for the day ahead.”

Nutritious Snacking

Yes, we know you can’t do it without snacking in a day. So, when you can’t control this habit, it would be great to switch to healthy snacking habits this year. Richa Shukla, RD, Consultant Medical Nutrition Therapist and HOD Department of Clinical Nutrition from Jehangir Hospital, Pune, says, “Satisfy your hunger pangs with wholesome options like a makhana chaat or a quick apple-and-pomegranate snack topped with a savoury sauce (made using hung curd and cottage cheese), pickled cucumber and cabbage or beetroots, ragi mug cake, etc.”
Salloni Ghodawat, Director and COO, Ghodawat Consumer Limited adds on to it by saying that snacks made with the vacuum-cooking method are healthier and filled with natural nutrition while being low on oil. “Snacking should be as wholesome as it is enjoyable,” she adds.

Plan Your Meals

If you prepare your meals ahead of time, it is sure going to reduce reliance on processed or fast food while also supporting portion control and mindful choices. “You can maintain your nutrition objectives by preparing meals ahead of time. Even on hectic days, a weekly meal plan guarantees healthy, balanced eating,” says Kathuria. Adding to that, Chirag Kenia, Founder and Managing Partner, Urban Platter, says, “Utilising meal kits or easy-to-prepare pantry essentials is a great way to manage busy lifestyles while staying committed to health goals. The key to sustaining these rituals lies in adopting small, consistent changes that align with one’s lifestyle and preferences.”

Holistic Approach

2025 will be the healthiest year of your life if you understand that eating is much more than you think it is. Small changes in your lifestyle will show huge results on your health. GK Sir (Gupta Kaushik), Founder of GK Dekho and Mrigakshi Foundation, says, “Healthy eating is no longer just about nutrition — it’s a holistic approach to mental and physical well-being. The modern lifestyle demands a conscious relationship with food that nourishes both body and mind.”
He recommends mindful eating rituals. “Remember, eating is a spiritual practice. Each meal is an opportunity for self-care, healing, and inner transformation. Your plate is a reflection of your consciousness — choose wisely, eat mindfully, and let food be your medicine in 2025,” he adds.
Swati Bhargava, Co-founder of CashKaro and EarnKaro, suggests practising yoga for holistic wellbeing this year. “Include yoga in your daily routine to improve digestion, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Even 15–20 minutes in the morning can set a positive tone for your day,” she says.
So here’s your cue to start taking small steps when it comes to adopting a healthier lifestyle in 2025. Have a healthy new year!


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