Expect two big updates for Windows 10 in 2017

Microsoft confirmed that there would be two feature updates coming in 2017.

Update: 2016-08-07 04:08 GMT
Windows 10 introduces what Microsoft described as \"universal apps\"; expanding on Metro-style apps, these apps can be designed to run across multiple Microsoft product families with nearly identical code‍‌including PCs, tablets, smartphones, embedded systems, Xbox One, Surface Hub and Windows Holographic.

Microsoft recently announced the rollout of its Anniversary update for Windows 10. If this wasn’t exciting enough, they also confirmed there would be two feature updates coming in 2017.

According to Windows Central, the first update for Windows 10 will be called “Redstone 2” and will be released in early 2017; while, the second one by the name of “Redstone 3”  will be released a little later.

The latest internal builds are around the 14900 range, the site said, meaning testers should soon receive bits of Redstone 2 to try out and give feedback.

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