Watch: Microsoft staff mock the company in a new musical

Over 150 interns and full-time staff members spent eight weeks creating a quirky musical video laying out a satire on its different producs.

Update: 2019-09-09 05:43 GMT

In a refreshing change from the current state of affairs at Microsoft, over 150 interns and full-time staff members spent eight weeks creating a quirky musical video laying out a satire on its expansion into mobile phones.

Spread over almost 8 minutes, the musical creates a virtual time line of the company’s many milestones. This begins at Bill Gates founding the company to where it is today, touching upon its poor launch into the world of smartphones, the doing away with of ‘Clippy’, and so on.

Often funny, the lines read, “All around the world our products are well-known!
Except for when we tried to make a phone!”  And

Windows is the bet on which this company was made,
And everything else followed from the dividends it paid
We missed a beat with Vista but we’d be remiss to list a set o’
Systems that assist the world without our name displayed!”

Cast members of the video are seen wearing the colours of Microsoft’s logo namely- green, blue red and yellow performing in the company’s corporate campus in Redmond, Washington.

Not to forget, the video also has a hint to its former CEO Steve Ballmer’s famous  chant ‘Developers, Developers, Developers’. Watch it below, to get a taste of it yourself.


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