Facebook is training bots to negotiate like humans

To date, AI chat bots were limited to short conversation and simple tasks such as booking a restaurant.

Update: 2017-06-15 04:42 GMT
As soon as cops showed up, a member of the TJAC started to live-stream the entire incident on Facebook a never-seen-before tactic by the TJAC.

Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) announced Wednesday their breakthrough on training AI chat bots to negotiate with real humans.

To date, AI chat bots were limited to short conversation and simple tasks such as booking a restaurant. But the new discovery has led machine learning developers to create chatbots “that can reason, converse, and negotiate, all key steps in building a personalized digital assistant.”

At first Facebook showed bots negotiation dialogues of real people.

Later, the team created many such scenarios and trained them to “imitate people’s actions,” a process called supervised learning.

In the training, researcher tested bots ability by estimating the "value" of an item and inferring how much that is worth to each party.

Interestingly, FAIR claims in the experiment, bots come out to be smarter than humans. They said, “most people did not realise they were talking to a bot rather than another person — showing that the bots had learned to hold fluent conversations in English in this domain.” “Bots not only can speak English but also think intelligently about what to say,” the team added.

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