Pornhub may join net neutrality protest with slow loading icon
The adult content sharing website has not yet provided confirmed specifics on how exactly it wants to join the protest.
Pornhub may be very close to accepting a difficult method to support the idea of a free and open internet, as the company is joining other organisations like Amazon, Reddit, and Mozilla in the “Battle for the Net” protest to take place on July 12.
The adult content sharing website has not yet provided confirmed specifics on how exactly it wants to join the protest, but CEO Corey Price has enumerated in a statement that one of the ideas that are currently on the green is a slow loading icon which would show visitors the impact of the new proposed rules.
He has stated, “No one in the porn industry ever yells ‘slower, slower, slower. We’re much more accustomed to ‘faster, faster, faster.’ Here at Pornhub, we want to keep it that way.”
At this juncture, it is not clear whether the pages would indeed load slower or if the loading icon would only show how everything would be as compared to the existing speed, but more information should be provided as the July 12 protest day comes nearer.
“Websites, Internet users, and online communities will come together to sound the alarm about the FCC’s attack on net neutrality. We'll provide tools for everyone to make it super easy for your followers / visitors to take action. From the SOPA blackout to the Internet Slowdown, we've shown time and time again that when the Internet comes together, we can stop censorship and corruption. Now, we have to do it again!” the official website of the protest states.
The 12th of July is constantly shaping up to become one tough day for the internet, and not just because of Pornhub’s involvement in the protest, but also present are a lot of other services like Amazon, Github, Kickstarter, reddit, and BitTorrent have already confirmed that they will be participating.