Why you need a Personal Assistant today
Out-sourcing the mundane;

Life, today, is a constant struggle, juggling between different personal and professional roles and responsibilities, single-handedly trying to accomplish tasks at lightning speed, meanwhile trying to squeeze in time to fulfil one’s passions and hobbies. In short, one needs to have superhuman abilities to slide through each day smoothly. The worst part isn’t just finding the right balance between work and personal life, but the fact that even with one’s best efforts, it doesn’t seem like it is getting any easier any time soon.
It is true that technological intervention has made our lives so much convenient; tasks like furniture and grocery shopping can be done with one swipe of your finger.With the explosion of online services in the market, there is an app for every service imaginable. These services work to help people save precious time. On an average, we run 10-12 errands each week, using at least 4-5 different apps, each specializing in its own sphere of service. From picking out furniture, to groceries, to paying bills and even finding the right maintenance guys, everything is now on the app sphere.
And yet, we are still sleep deprived, with less or non-existent 'me' time, and even spending time with friends and family has become a luxurious weekend affair. We are running to and fro, juggling between apps that not only drain our phone battery but our lives as well of all its energy. What we really want is one platform that foresees our needs. A kind of a personal concierge-someone who would put their hand up and say 'Yes, we can do it'. Eventually, we will all realize that we can’t micro-manage everything in our lives.
The ecosystem of the personal assistance industry runs solely on this insight. Here, one can outsource all their tasks to a personal assistant- a trustworthy friend, someone reliable, who can be entrusted with all tasks, big & small. A potential time-saver who is at your beck and call.
Who helps you with all your mundane tasks, allowing you to focus on matters that area higher priority. These integrated services can pick your dry-cleaning, pay your bills,order lunch, make bookings, send couriers, deposit chequesand also shop for you. You just need to learn to delegate all your chores- big & small.
The bottom-line is, nobody can be in multiple places at once, unless you know how to teleport that is. Such integrated platforms are characterized by flawless user-interfaces and prompt service. Hiring a personal assistant service not only reduces stress in one’s life but improves productivity and efficiency as well.
All in all, you want, and it will be fair to say that you also need, a person who can assist you with different responsibilities, so you can spend more time with people who matter the most, improving the quality of life.
So don’t slave through life, you only have one. And who says you cannot have it all?
By Sonal Saraogi, Director- DoneThing.