Chat like a pro: WhatsApp, Skype, Hangouts and more, in one app
The All-in-one Messenger is a chat client that allows user to use all of their favourite messaging services at the same time.
Gone are the days, when we had only a handful of messengers for online communication. With growing number of users, the number of messaging platforms has also increased rapidly.
It is probable that you are using almost every popular messenger out there, including WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts and others.
It can be hassle to access these platforms with so many windows opened on your desktop or apps on your phone, well that’s about to change with All-in-one Messenger.
It’s a free Web-based chat client that allows user to use all of their favourite messaging services at the same time – and at the same place.
It’s an easy way to interact with contacts and keep track of messages without having to constantly switch between different apps.
The nifty application also works with a bunch of other including, WeChat, Slack, Telegram, Yahoo messenger and many more. The All-in-one Messenger can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store.