Iris integrated mobile devices to address aadhaar authentication failures

With the government mandating the use of Aadhaar authentication, the need for a biometric modality that works reliably is critical.;

Update: 2017-04-13 09:50 GMT
Iris scanners can be highly secure as one needs to be in front of the camera to pass the security check.
Currently the company is only counting on fingerprint and iris scanning to be used as authentication for Samsung Pay. There are also reports about the company trying to rope in more banking apps to be compatible with iris scanner.
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Delta ID Inc, believes the high failure rates in Aadhaar biometric authentication, as recently reported in MGNREGA tests in Telangana, will be addressed in a cost-effective way with the iris integrated mobile devices.

With the government mandating the use of Aadhaar biometric authentication in more social and other programs, the need for a biometric modality that works reliably is critical. Unlike fingerprints that are being reported to show high failure rates due to wear and tear, the iris, being a protected internal organ, is expected to be significantly more reliable. Additionally, since the iris is not affected with age, it works reliably across all age groups.

One of the key impediments in wide-scale roll out of iris for Aadhaar has been the high cost of iris devices. This is being addressed with the rollout of iris integrated mobile devices. Samsung partnered with Delta ID to launch India’s first iris integrated tablet in May 2016. The technology is arriving in smartphones too, and not only in high end devices such as Samsung Galaxy S8, but also in low cost smartphones from Indian manufacturers.

Delta ID has made remarkable advances in bringing iris technology to consumer mobile devices and applications. Delta ID’s ActiveIRIS technology has passed STQC’s FRR test with better than 99% accuracy, and has been certified by the STQC. ActiveIRIS and a combination of STQC certified hardware components can be integrated by any mobile device to expeditiously introduce iris integrated mobile devices in the market.

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