Warning! Upgrade your Android or carry a brick in your palm
Google has planned to fully embrace support for 64-bit apps starting August 2019.
It wasn’t long ago when Apple moved over to 64-bit native support for apps on its iOS platform. Bringing 64-bit support to the OS means that apps will work a lot faster and do stuff a tad quicker than their 32-bit counterparts. Google also made the jump to 64-bit app support in 2014 with the arrival of Android Lollipop. However, developers only had the option to choose 64-bit support for their apps, if they wanted. But, it now seems that Google is going the Apple way of implementing the new standard for all the apps.
A new release on the Google Developer’s Blog suggests that the Google will require app developers to design apps keeping in mind Android Oreo’s requirements. Developers will have to incorporate all the new changes that Android Oreo needs to implement for every single app in order to maintain an upgraded ecosystem experience. Existing apps on the PlayStore will have to make the jump from 32-bit to 64-bit by August 2019. Developers can still keep 32-bit versions of apps on offer for older Android versions but a 64-bit version needs to be present on the Google PlayStore.
Apart from the new standard, Google will also make some additional changes to its security protocols so as to make sure malware-affected apps don’t enjoy space on the PlayStore’s shelves. There will be some changes made to security metadata in early 2018, which will be Google’s seal of authenticity for all Android apps.
Therefore, should you immediately look for upgrading to a smartphone with the latest version of Android? If your phone is running Android KitKat 4.4 and older, then it would be wise for you to upgrade sooner. Older phones will still keep working but may not receive update features and security algorithms as developers will prefer to avoid additional costs for re-coding an app for 32-bit. Phones running on Android 5.0 Lollipop and above will retain the app support but might lose on new features as apps will now be coded keeping in mind the requirement of Android Oreo.
But Google isn’t just stopping here. The company will keep updating the guidelines every year so as to improve the quality of the apps and compete with those on iOS. This declaration also indicates that Android P, which is expected to arrive by September 2018, will probably discard support for the slower 32-bit app support and will join iOS as another mobile OS platform with the latest processing support.