Samsung Galaxy S9 to challenge Apple iPhone X with its Intelligent Scan
Intelligent scan is a combination of both Iris and Facial recognition.
A month ahead of Galaxy S9 launch, a new feature has been surfaced in the Settings APK called of Oreo Beta build called – Intelligent Scan, which combines iris scanner and facial recognition for unlocking the phone.
According to SamCentral, the researcher claims “I used APKTool on the Settings APK for the Note8 Oreo beta. I found something very interesting, Intelligent scan! According to the strings in the Settings apk, the Intelligent scan is a combination of both Iris and Facial recognition. It uses Iris Scanner and Face Recognition together for better results even in the low or very bright light. This is currently not in the Note8, S8, or S8 active Oreo beta builds. The video in there is below is a copy of the Settings apk. It also uses "face and iris recognition together for better accuracy and security."
According to the video, Intelligent Scan might combine information in the iris scanner and your front camera, which can each extract to piece together a fuller picture of whoever is trying to unlock the phone. The iris scanner might control in darker situations, but the facial recognition is still superior if your eyes aren't aimed directly at the iris scanner or if they're semi-closed. This feature is likely to debut with Galaxy S9 next month.