These new features on Android 15 will make your device fool-proof

Update: 2024-06-08 07:13 GMT
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Hyderabad: There is always a debate between iOS and Android users over which phone is the safest. Both the popular mobile operating systems claim they provide the best security. However, the iPhone has a slight edge with its privacy settings and App Store.

But tech giant Google is leaving no stone unturned and is giving Apple a run for its money. With regular updates, Android is focusing more on privacy and safety concerns. With features like "limited access and Ad privacy", Google is already in the right direction.
In a bid to further strengthen the security of your Android device, Google is bringing these upgrades with Android 15.
Theft detection:
Artificial intelligence (AI) will now detect stealing, and will lock your device. If the snatcher intends to reset your phone, he can do so only by using your Google credential, making it difficult.
Private space:
Similar to Samsung's safe folder, Google will now bring a private space, where users can lock content and apps with a password.
If a thief, somehow, knows your pin it won't be enough to change some critical settings in your device, like turning off the "Find my Device" service. This makes it easier for you to locate your lost device faster.
In a unique upgrade, you can now share only selected apps screen over video calls. You can choose between a single screen or entire screen.
However, the biggest concern for Android (despite some people preferring it) remains the downloading of apps from apk files. The new and improved version of Android will soon be available to Pixel, Samsung and Oneplus users.

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