2 scoops of ice cream for Donald Trump as others get one
Mr Trump had invited three of the magazine's reporters for a tour of his home followed by a four-course dinner.
US President Donald Trump is living every child’s dream: More ice cream. The White House staff have settled into Mr Trump’s routine and know his desires, sometimes before he does, as per an extensive interview with the Time magazine. For example: Mr Trump takes two scoops of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, the magazine reported, while everyone else around the table gets just one.
Mr Trump had invited three of the magazine’s reporters for a tour of his home followed by a four-course dinner. The reporters found that the waiters know Mr Trump’s personal preferences well. The President is bestowed with a Diet Coke while other diners are stuck with water.
The ice cream revelation has garnered the most discussion on Twitter with people mocking Mr Trump. “Double ice cream; Double cake? What is trump? Nine years old?” said Dave Firth. “Big boy gets two scoops for having a big boy day!” quipped writer K. Thor Jensen.