Scarcity of beer intensifies in Andhra Pradesh
In AP, the average demand for beer is about 14 lakh cases per month. But this summer, demand has jumped up to 22 lakh cases per month.

Hyderabad: As summer heat intensifies, people of Andhra Pradesh are not only facing a scarcity for water but also for beer. Due to increased demand in their own states, Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra have stopped supplying beer to AP. Demand for beer in AP has increased to 22 lakh cases per month but the state has only one beverages unit producing about six lakh cases per month.
During summer months, consumption of beer increases. In AP, the average demand for beer is about 14 lakh cases per month. But this summer, demand has jumped up to 22 lakh cases per month. AP has often depended on import of beer from other states. Telangana supplies 5-6 lakh cases per month, Maharashtra 2-3 lakh cases, Karnataka 6 lakh cases and Pondicherry 2 lakh cases per month.
In April, except Pondicherry all other states stopped supplying beer to the state. Due to scarcity of beer, the state government has started using buffer stock which is also nearing its end. In April, so far 2.5 lakh cases have been supplied. In May, the state may face further scarcity of beer.
As supply from other states has ebbed, the state government has asked the beverage unit to increase production. This unit will increase production to 11 lakh cases per month. At present, AP state is dependent on Pondicherry and the beverage unit for meeting beer requirements.
AP’s consumption of beer is lower compared to Telangana. Keeping this in a view, in the combined state all beverage units were located in Telangana. After state bifurcation, AP is depending on other states including Telangana to meet the demand of beer in the state.
A senior official of AP Beverages Corporation said there could be supply of beer from companies, which are supplying to Bihar, which has recently introduced total prohibition in the state. Due to this decision companies supplying beer to Bihar may supply to AP.
Meanwhile AP government is ready to give permission to set up beverage unit in the state. Recently, one industrialist came forward to set up beverage unit in Chittoor district with a view to supply beer to AP and Tamil Nadu. The state government has agreed to give “in principle” permission to that unit.
Info box
- Average demand of beer in AP: 14 lakh cases per month
- Due to summer increased demand: 22 lakh cases per month
- AP has single beverage unit products: 6 lakh cases per month
- AP government asks to increase the production to: 11 lakh cases per month
- Stopped supply of beer by other states
- Telangana: 6 lakh cases
- Maharashtra: 3 lakh cases
- Karnataka: 6 lakh cases
- Pondicherry is supplying: 2 lakh cases