
72% Women Take Investment Decisions Independently

Mumbai: Dispelling the stereotype of passive women investors, a large number of women are taking investment decisions independently. Interestingly the trend is more pronounced in the younger women. Women on average are also investing a greater corpus in mutual funds than men according to a recent nationwide survey by Axis Mutual Fund. The Fund house analysed data from over one crore of its existing customers to unveil its study titled “Women Investment Behaviour Report 2024”.

The study found that nearly 72 per cent of women investors now make independent investment decisions. “The trend is more pronounced in the younger generations, with 75 per cent of women aged 25-34 and 70 per cent aged 35-44 taking control of their financial futures by making their own investment choices,” said the study.

Women also exhibit a strategic approach, demonstrated by both higher amounts invested (25 per cent) per woman investor and higher corpus on average by a female investor (37 per cent) compared to men. “This translates to a long-term vision, with women showing 22 per cent higher persistency in their mutual fund investments over a five-year period,” said the report.

Investment preferences of women living in the top 30 cities of India have also changed over the past few years, with more and more women

investors embracing new investment ways like mutual funds, stocks and even startups. While women in B30 cities (beyond the top 30) showed a preference for traditional investments such as fixed deposits and gold, apart from mutual funds, conversely, their counterparts in the top 30 cities are embracing newer investment avenues like mutual funds, stocks, and even startups.

The data also showed that in just five years, the proportion of the fund houses' women investors using fintech channels has leapt from 14 per cent to 55 per cent.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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