Tame killer highways, liquor ban just optics
In the plains of India, most regular tipplers are men as drinking is done outside our homes.
8 April 2017 12:23 AM IST
Basic income transfer: Modi's next big thing?
PM Modi is not one to be hesitant about funding innovative ideas in the public interest.
31 March 2017 12:09 AM IST
Are safeguards possible to prevent theocracy?
22 March 2017 12:32 AM IST
In politics, like in biz, bulk up to beat rivals
Multi-party politics has become a fetish, far beyond its usefulness to the average voter.
9 March 2017 12:33 AM IST
Can Modi revise social compact? 2019 will tell
The mantra is that the government must focus on economic inclusion and social inclusion will follow.
2 March 2017 1:18 AM IST
Safeguard poor, bring India back on track
If the ongoing jihad against corruption is extended indefinitely, business sentiment will collapse.
20 Jan 2017 12:26 AM IST
To create new India, 3 initiatives overdue
11 Jan 2017 1:14 AM IST