What Are the Basics of Creating a Friendly Childhood Education?

Education is the core of child development; thus, ensuring that children are exposed to a child- friendly education system during their formative years is significantly crucial. Practical learning experiences, imaginative play, freedom to explore and learn, and a stimulating learning environment are the pillars of an effective childhood education system. In fact, youngsters who are subjected to a child-friendly education setting tend to experience superior growth and development following their formative years.
Traditional educational approaches impeded the growth of the students as they were built on the conventional learning strategies. However, in response to evolving needs of children, hands-on learning experiences have attained center stage, allowing students to gain a better understanding of concepts and target improved growth. According to a study conducted by NASA, 98% of 5- year-old children were classified as having "genius levels of imagination," whereas this percentage declined to 12% for 15-year-olds and 2% for adults. This data highlights the fact that exposing youngsters to a creative child-friendly educational environment during their early years is necessary in order for them to unlock their potential, explore their talents and abilities and find their own unique personalities.
Significance of child-friendly education system
According to UNICEF, a child-friendly and high-quality primary education contributes to the development of children who are well-rounded in terms of their intellectual, moral, social- emotional, and physical health. This data highlights the fact that a right learning environment is vital for a child's overall growth and development. In addition, a positive learning atmosphere enables students to fully utilize their skills and abilities and discover their distinctive selves.
An education system where students' needs are recognized and they are given a constructive learning space sets the foundation right for their future growth. Given the fact that the minds of young children are receptive to new information, a child-friendly learning system will provide them with opportunities to learn, develop and prosper.
Fundamental elements of developing a child-friendly education system
Hands-on learning experiences: Learning via textbooks has become a thing of past. The modern-day children today demand hands-on learning experiences to attain a better understanding of concepts. Experimenting with logic and creativity through real exposure to objects not only facilitates their comprehension but also lays a robust framework for future progress. Given that today's youth are born into a fast-paced, digitally-driven environment, practical exposure not only piques their curiosity and stimulates their intellect but also enables them to develop their own distinctive point of view of the world. Thus, in order for institutions to create a child-friendly educational system, encouraging first-hand learning experiences is a crucial move.
Constructive activities: The earlier approach of teaching comprised of strictly tangible learning materials. However, since digitalization has stuck in, various forms of constructive experiential
learning opportunities have come to the fore that not only stimulate children's brains and creativity but also encourage them to come up with original solutions, which in turn has a positive effect on their capacity for critical and analytical thought, proving to be valuable as they mature. Harnessing the power of digitalization, educational institutions can expose young minds to interactive activities that encourage the development of their own distinctive worldviews, thereby fostering a child-friendly learning environment.
Room for growth: Providing children a room for growth is an essential stepping stone towards establishing a child-friendly education system. Young children will not only be able to improve but will also develop better when exposed to a learning environment where they experiment, explore, and reflect on their own advances and findings. In this manner, they acquire the skills required to proceed independently. Additionally, exposing children to exciting circumstances and events will foster their curiosity and sharpen their capacity for creative thought, putting them on the pathway of ideal development.
Right education: Key to right child development
According to a World Bank report, one major reason the learning crisis persists is that many education systems in developing countries have inadequate information on who is learning and who is not. Thus, it has become crucial for educational institutions to establish and promote child-friendly learning approaches to ensure that students are subjected to constructive learning experiences, promoting their favorable growth and development.
Predefined learning strategies were once commonplace in educational systems, but those times are long gone. In view of the evolving needs of young children, education systems today must establish a child-friendly learning environment that allows youngsters the best chance to learn at their own pace, develop their own original conclusions, and acquire a unique outlook.
In the end, every parent aspires for their child to grow and develop in the right manner. And for that to happen, exposing them to a suitable educational environment during their formative years plays an integral role. A child-friendly education system will not only allow children to explore their own talents, form distinctive worldviews, master exceptional skills but also set the groundwork right for their future growth.
The article is authored by Shalini Sharma- Founder & CEO- Hi-KALPAA