Girls dominate boys in AP Intermediate 1 & 2 results

Vijayawada: Girls took the upper hand in the first and second year Intermediate examinations, the results of which were released by education minister Botsa Satyanarayana here on Wednesday evening.
The minister said that the pass percentage of the girls was 65 per cent in the first year exam and was 75 per cent in the second year, against the boys’ pass percentage of 58 and 68 respectively this year.
For the first time, Intermediate first and second year results were released together against the earlier practice of releasing these separately.
As many as 8,13,033 general candidates appeared for the first and second-year exams this year. While 4,33,275 appeared for their first-year exams, 2,66,326 candidates cleared their exams, forming 61 per cent. While 3,79,758 appeared for their second-year examinations, 2,72,001 candidates passed, forming 71 per cent.
Satyanaryana said Krishna district stood first in the state with the highest pass percentage of 83, and Vizianagaram recorded the lowest at 57 per cent. Boys in Krishna recorded 82 per cent pass and girls 85 per cent pass. Vizianagaram recorded 52 per cent and 62 per cent for boys and girls respectively.
The minister said that the Krishna district students topped in both the first and second-year examinations with 77 and 83 pass percentages respectively. Kadapa recorded the lowest pass percentage at 46 in the first year while Vizianagaram recorded the lowest in the second year at 57 per cent.
The top second and third positions were acquired by Guntur and West Godavari districts.
The Intermediate second-year exams were held from March 16 to April 4, 2023, and the first-year exams took place between March 15 and April 3.
Candidates who are not satisfied with their results can seek a rechecking or re-evaluation of their answer sheets. The application process will remain open between April 27 and May 6, 2023. The supplementary examinations will be held between May 24 and June 6 in two sessions, morning and afternoon, for the first and second-year students respectively. Separate schedules for both years will be announced soon.
Students may check their results at, and other websites.
The minister launched the facility for free download of textbooks in PDF formats for 1 to 10 classes. He said bilingual textbooks will be distributed to the students semester-wise and the soft copies (PDFs) will be made available on the website for students to download them. These online free books are for the use of students and not for commercial purposes, he has clarified.