4 Key Active Learning Techniques to Boost Retention and Understanding

Today, parents search for new ways to enrich their children's learning experience. In the ever- evolving world of education, one concept that has gained widespread momentum is active learning. Understanding active learning techniques is critical for anybody interested in lifelong learning, whether they are a student seeking academic achievement, an educator searching for a better teaching style, or a professional seeking ongoing self-improvement.
The traditional lecture-based style of instruction, with its passive methods, is no longer considered a creative way to engage students effectively. A workable answer to this issue has developed through active learning strategies, which increase student involvement and enhance learning results.
Here, a question arises how active learning methods are applied in a classroom? The answer lies in an elementary class, where active learning includes developing lessons that allow kids to gain insight and discover new ideas through relevant experiences. This student-centred approach shifts the emphasis from the teacher to the student, viewing the teacher as a resource rather than the exclusive source of knowledge. Additionally, it promotes the growth of critical skills like creativity, interpersonal connections, and teamwork. Considering these benefits, educators can instruct learners by incorporating the below-mentioned techniques:
Think Pair Share: TPS, or Think-Pair-Share, is an interactive educational activity that can be used in a variety of learning environments and subjects. When an instructor asks a question, students think by themselves before being advised to share their solution with someone sitting in pairs. Finally, the groups share what they discussed with each other with the entire class, and the interaction continues. Students have time to think strategically, resulting in a learning atmosphere that promotes high-quality responses. This instructional method allows students to work in groups towards a common objective, boosting their and others; understanding while committing mistakes in a safe atmosphere.
Case study: One of the most significant advantages of employing case studies in active teaching is that they situate a student as a participant. As a participant, a learner is then asked to solve problems that require critical thinking abilities rather than rote memorisation strategies. Often, the solution to an issue requires more than simply recalling imparted information; learners are thereby made to understand how to apply what they learned to a specific circumstance.
Flipped Classrooms: The term "flipped classroom" refers to a teaching approach that flips the traditional paradigm of providing tasks for practice at home and delivering knowledge in a classroom setting. In the beginning, students study the new material on their own outside of class. They often do this by watching recorded video lectures, reading online, participating in interactive exercises, or using other online materials including podcasts, e-books, and videos. Students work together with teachers and other learners inside the classroom to apply what they have learnt. This might include interactive activities that promote active engagement and a more thorough understanding of the material, such as problem-solving exercises, group discussions, practical tasks, and others.
Role-Play: A role-play exercise allows students to practice many tasks at once, receive real-time feedback and alter their behaviour almost instantly. One important aspect of this learning activity is that students put themselves in the shoes of those they want to replace or in the shoes of someone else entirely. In other words, they are "acting" the way they want to be. Role play reinforces a person's knowledge and experience by encouraging them to consider how they would respond in a certain circumstance. It allows the learner to experience, or create, a situation in order to prepare for a future engagement. This active learning strategy is valued since it promotes risk-free practice.
By adopting active learning techniques and their engagement tactics, reflection and application can result in numerous benefits. In conclusion, active learning is a proactive and effective educational strategy that has the potential to transform how students acquire and retain information. Moreover, it can help learners realise their full learning potential and begin a journey of continual growth and development.
By Alexander Zheltov, Founder, Educate Online