
Global Graduate Outlook Survey points at changing trends

Hyderabad: While 72 per cent of Indian graduates still choose to study abroad, this number has declined from 80 per cent in 2023, according to the 2024 Global Graduate Outlook Survey by the CFA Institute. However, 72 per cent of these graduates plan to return to India for employment, indicating a strong inclination to leverage global education while seeking professional opportunities within the country, it said.

The survey also revealed that 85 per cent of Indian graduates believe proficiency in artificial intelligence and automation tools is crucial for career success, surpassing the global average of 66 per cent. Despite concerns about job displacement due to AI, Indian graduates displayed a strong inclination towards integrating these technologies into their career paths.

Additionally, 69 per cent think that learning and knowing how to use AI is significantly beneficial, and nearly 60 per cent are interested in pursuing a career in AI, the survey said. Seventythree per cent of respondents view upskilling and postgraduate qualifications as vital in today’s job market.

Sixtysix per cent deemed practical skills significant for enhancing employability, followed by real work experience (52 per cent), and internships (43).

The finance sector has emerged as the most promising career path for Indian graduates, according to the survey, with 39 per cent of respondents viewing it as their top choice, a seven percentage point increase from the previous year. In the United States and the United Kingdom, 70 and 68 per cent of graduates, respectively, expressed similar optimism.

In a notable shift from traditional career guidance sources, 60 per cent of Indian graduates rely on social media for career information and advice, 16 percentage points higher than the global average. Other significant sources include social acquaintances/friends (53 per cent), family (47), college professors (46), and career guidance professionals (43 per cent).

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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