
65pc Urban Indians annoyed by texting shortcuts: Duolingo survey

In a world where even famous characters like Ross and Rachel argue over “your” & “you're”, language pet peeves are common. Duolingo, the world's leading language learning

platform, partnered with YouGov to explore the language frustrations faced by Indians, uncovering a myriad of mispronunciations, grammatical errors, and homophone mix-ups. Highlighting the importance of small linguistic nuances, the survey found that 60% of Indians have language pet peeves, like saying words wrong or using too many phrases.

Delving deeper into India’s linguistic irritations, the survey revealed that 55% of Indians have either committed or come across the incorrect use of common homophones like your & you’re & their/there/they’re, using anyways instead of anyway, or the perennial who/whom confusion.

Additionally, a staggering 63% have encountered or been guilty of mispronouncing everyday words such as ‘espresso’ (es-press-oh wrongly rendered as expresso), & jalapeño (ha-la-pey-nyo) confused as ja-la-peen-o, 'hyperbole (hy-per-boh-lee) twisted into (hyper-bowl), or et cetera (et-set-er-a) clumsily pronounced as (eck-cetera).

In today’s Gen Z-dominated era, texting has reshaped the way we communicate, with short forms, emojis, and letter substitutions in our daily interactions. While these shortcuts aim to expedite conversations, they often leave Indians frustrated. A notable 65% of Indians expressed annoyance at common shortcuts like LOL,BRB, and OMG,alongside letter substitutions such as U for ‘You’ or R for ‘Are’. Also, 53% of Indians find themselves irked by random capitalization or excessive emoji use.

Reflecting on the survey’s revelations, Karandeep Singh Kapany, Regional Marketing Director, shared, “In our daily lives, we not only encounter mispronunciations, grammatical errors, and other language mistakes, but we also make them ourselves, highlighting the complexities of mastering a language. This survey aims to raise awareness about these intricacies, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and self-awareness in language proficiency. It reminds us that the journey to mastery begins with acknowledging our areas for improvement.”

The survey also revealed the challenge of homophone confusion, a hurdle faced by 67% of Indians.From distinguishing between affect and effect to navigating peak and peek,aisle and isle, or desert and dessert, these nuances confuse many.

Fortunately, Duolingo offers a solution. So, the next time you’re uncertain about ‘to’ or ‘too’ let Duolingo guide you through the grammatical maze, paving your path to linguistic mastery!

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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