
Film Development Corporation has a role to play in Gaddar Awards?

It is not just industry bigwigs but Telangana State Film Development Corporation also has a role to play to revive ‘Gaddar Awards”(earlier Nandi Awards) in Telangana state. “Telugu film fraternity is excited about Gaddar Awards since it honours the best of talent in industry and also raises the bar on Telugu cinema,” says a producer, who adds, "Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce and Telangana Film Chamber of Commerce members are willing to meet Chief Minister Revanth Reddy at the earliest to put up a request for revival of awards.”.

On the other hand, the government has to resurrect the Telangana State Film Development Corporation which has become defunct for a few years and appoint a chairman to conduct the awards and resolve other industry woes, adds the producer. “The usual practice of awards kicks off with the formation of a 10-member committee which includes government officials and film industry bigwigs who plan the budget and also work out modalities of honouring talent and the guidelines like awards only for straight Telugu films and not dubbed ones and so on," he adds. Thereafter, they have to appoint a 10 or 12 member jury comprising actors, directors, producers, technicians and a few critics to watch the films,” he adds.
The government has to call for applications for the Gaddar Awards within a time frame and then producers will apply and send the prints for screening movies for the jury. “Jury members will watch around 50 odd films for over a month and then decide the best among actors, directors, actresses and technical awards and submit the list to the government,” he points out.
Yet again, another 10 member committee is formed and allocated Rs 1 crore or more to conduct the event in a grand manner. “Both officials and industry folk will decide about the venue and also discuss decoration and stuff. Besides they would also make a list for guest of honours and actors who would be invited to give away awards to winners and top actors would be the first choice. While few actresses would be asked to perform to chartbusters and entertain the crowds at the venue before the awards presentation begins. So awards will happen with the involvement of both government and industry and the government has to allocate funds like in the past,’ he concludes.
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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