
Meghan Markle gets exactly what she wants

Bestie trying to ruin your future? Experts advise how to handle such situations with care.

Photos of the latest addition to the British Royal Family, Meghan Markle, outside Buckingham Palace with friend Ninaki Priddy during their teens is doing the rounds on the internet. And, are Priddy’s pungent claims of the Hollywood starlet having schemed to marry a Royal all her life. Her exact words to The Daily Mail were: “I’m not surprised (by the engagement) at all. It’s like she’s been planning this her whole life. She gets exactly what she wants and Harry has fallen for her play. She was always fascinated by the Royal Family. She wants to be Princess Diana 2.0. She will play her role ably, but my advice to him is to tread cautiously.”

With friends like these, who needs enemies? Priddy is clearly unhappy about Markle’s success and good luck and has displayed her bitterness through this.

Celebrity victory coach Farzana Suri explains, “In all probability, Priddy sees herself as average and hates Markle for being special, perhaps because deep down she is probably bitter that a close friend “always got what she wanted – successful career, money, looks and now not just some ordinary guy but royalty” while she does not. It’s evident in Priddy’s statement — ‘She gets exactly what she wants and Harry has fallen for her play’.”

Feeling Jealous
Jealousy is present in the best of relationships. Back home, it was rumoured that friends from Bollywood and the business fraternity tried to break the Tina Munim-Anil Ambani alliance. “Jealousy is often sparked by money where the difference in financial stature can affect friendships. Even finding a new romantic relationship can trigger feelings of low esteem in the friend who hasn’t managed a ‘good catch’. It is a threat to their social status and the comparison reminds them that they haven’t made it to the top. They hate it when their friends become successful,” adds Suri.

But wouldn’t besties want the best for each other? “In an ideal world, yes. I feel proud of my friends who are above me, and look up to them and their qualities, and try and imbibe them as it inspires. However, it’s pertinent to say that jealousy stems when you feel you aren’t going to achieve that mark. It’s beyond you — it’s a lot to do with self-esteem and a sense of self,” explains life coach Nawaz Modi Singhania.

Cut off the limb to save a life
Singhania believes that when friends use friendship to gain trust and then work it against us, their intent is clear. She adds, “Those friendships need to be cut off from our lives with dignity and respect. Speak your truth because the other person holds you up to it — just don’t use language. If you cannot, walk off. I’ve done this many times — cut the cancer out. Keeping negativity around leaves no space for positive to come in. Create the vaccum for positive relations to fill that space. I’ve lived my life by this and have been extremely successful at it.”

Collateral damage
While an act like this demonstrates insecurities of a friend and reveals the depths they will go in order to vent frustration, bitterness and low self-esteem. How it transcends on the equation of the couple in question depends on the relationship they share. “If a relationship is weak, it might trigger thoughts of doubt. Sit down and talk about it. Discuss anxieties, fears and suspicions. Clearing the air before is better than allowing it to fester for years,” suggests Suri.

Repair work
Suri suggests it’s best for Markle to ignore. “Anything she says in her defence will have Priddy give a rejoinder which could get into a slinging battle. Markle should focus on her life. Retaliation will leave a digital footprint and the words may come back to haunt later,” she adds.

Singhania on the other hand would get deeper into it to find why the friend is saying such a thing. “Ask yourself first if there is any element of truth to it — has she spoken about my character, is there some misunderstanding that I can clear up? Relationships need to be mended like fences, and you must keep your fences in good repair. Otherwise, they don’t work. Address it, speak the truth and move on,” says Singhania, who believes that a clarification in the press would be a good idea for Markle so that her intentions are not misconstrued.

“Whatever the truth, her friend should have exercised a lot of discretion and one really wonders the details of that friendship but that’s for the two friends to sort out amongst themselves,” she adds.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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